Friday 11 January 2013

#100 Biodome. (Wes)

#100 Biodome.

For the first movie (just scraping in at number 100) Colin started without me. This is where the beer kicked in and I decided that I would like to be a part of this debacle, so going home after six or seven ciders I found Biodome on YouTube and promptly fell asleep in front of it. Queue the hangover and attempt number two….

Now I love watching bad movies with a hangover, who wants to watch something cerebral when all you want to concentrate on is keeping your stomach from performing in-body acrobatics? The thing is, the movies I like to watch in these situations normally have large sea creatures in them or mad people in masks killing promiscuous teenagers or at the very least explosions and silly men shooting guns at each other. Biodome has none of these….

This “comedy” film from 1996 is basically about two slacker best friends (Pauly Shore and Stephen Baldwin), accidentally getting trapped in a Biodome, that is due to stay 
hermetically sealed for a year. Of course this leads to havoc as the party animals clash with the scientists working in the dome. Eventually the two losers find themselves learning that protecting the environment is important, whilst the scientists learn that life isn’t supposed to be serious all the time and that partying is important too. Throw in a lot of toilet humour, some sexual innuendo and Kylie Minogue and that pretty much sums up the movie.

This movie wasn’t ALL bad. It has Kylie (and her marvellous bottom), Joey Lauren Adams (there’s just something about her voice that is so bloody sexy) and the first screen appearance of Tenacious D. That’s pretty much it though.
I normally love a bit of toilet humour, fart gags when they’re done well can make me laugh louder and deeper than anything else I know. Unfortunately the script feels like it’s been written by a school kid, as the humour is barely even at that level and Pauly Shore is a terrible actor, with the same amount of charm as a room full of PE teachers. Maybe if he had a smaller role to play like Tom Green did in Road Trip, you could perhaps appreciate his humour a little more, but when he’s the lead actor, you just want to gouge your eyes out with whatever object is closest to hand (in my case a comb) and stuff them in your ears so you can’t hear his whiny voice any longer.
Apparently there was a rumour that this was originally meant to be a third Bill and Ted movie (Alex Winter denied this), but I think that was only said to try to make these unlikeable idiots more appealing. It didn’t work. Neither did the environmental message which just made me want to chop down rainforests so I could shout “Fuck you” into the face of the director. (What is it with environmental message movies being so poor? And why do I have to watch so many of them on this list?)

Rather than help cure my hangover, this movie just left me feeling slightly dirty having watched this (again. I admit I once watched this in the early 2000s. It was worse than I remembered). It’s not as bad as some movies I’ve watched, some are on the list, some aren’t, but I can only imagine the people who actually like this movie are pretty much exactly the same stoners that were portrayed. And Pauly Shores nan. Oh well. Things can only go downhill from here…..

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